
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

tak lama lagi sekolah :|

pendaftaran on 30th December , masa : 2:30 pm- 5:30pm :D

Monday, October 25, 2010

The New classroom


Friday, October 22, 2010


Next week, on 25th of October 2010, the whole school is going to move to the new block. We'll definiterly miss the old blocks. New surroundings, new ambiance, new history, new everything. Well the location of our class is at the 2nd floor. Far FAR FAR away from the other Form 2s. Beside us will be 4 Amal. Good luck finding your way around the new block. Hope you guys wont get lost.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Devil in Art?

Holla..Today, cikgu nak introduce Mr.Pakngah Alipz bin Omar..He's a fulltime creative designer. I've been following his artwork on Facebook and Deviantart..Really cool stuff for those who are keen on not becoming an engineer or doctor.

According to this dude, he has been doing this kind of job even before he graduated. Sometimes he does freelance,a person who is working on his own,and sometimes he attends to his clients..

Teaser poster by ~pakngahalipz on deviantART

To know more of his superb artwork, do add him on Facebook!/profile.php?id=1293063408&v=wall

or VISIT his DeviantArtness on

Let the Art do the Talking

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Wonderful Reminder

I stumbled upon this blog of Wonderful Reminder..Mengingatkan saya tentang kisah diri yang seringkali perlu mengingatkan orang tentang sesuatu..dan sering diperingatkan juga kalau ada sesuatu...

Bacalah..Baru anda akan tahu apa yang perlu diingati...

Ooiiiiii...Mana Orang Nih?

Lamanya tak update...adui

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Selamat Hari Raya

We, at hello-yakin10, would like to wish everyone on Earth Selamat Hari Raya.

*got the image from google though :)*

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Japan-Kool Bento

To those who love Japanese food, here's another not to be missed creation-BENTO!

Bento is similar like take-away food or tapau. A traditional bento consists of rice, fish or meat, and one or more pickled or cooked vegetables, usually in a box-shaped container.

Containers range from disposable mass produced to hand crafted lacquerware. Although bento are readily available in many places throughout Japan, including convenience stores, bento shops, train stations, and department stores, it is still common for Japanese homemakers to spend time and energy for their spouse, child, or themselves producing a carefully prepared lunch box.

Bento can be arranged in a style called kyaraben or "character bento". Kyaraben is typically decorated to look like popular Japanese cartoon characters (anime), characters from comic books (manga), or video game characters.

Another popular bento style is "oekakiben" or "picture bento", which is decorated to look like people, animals, buildings and monuments, or items such as flowers and plants. Contests are often held where bento arrangers compete for the most aesthetically pleasing arrangements.

There are similar forms of boxed lunches in the Philippines (Baon), Korea (Dosirak), Taiwan (Biandang), and India (Tiffin). Also, Hawaiian culture has adopted localized versions of bento featuring local tastes after over a century of Japanese influence in the islands.

What's Cool- KoNaPuN!

Japan-a country that is famous for lots of stuffs. From fashion, anime to food and toys! Today's feature item is KONAPUN-introduced some 20 years ago-Kona (which means powder),used materials such as sodium alginate as the main ingredient,a substance that can dissolve easily in water.

Kids can enjoy making great looking snacks without using any heat or oil and produce replicas of food, including curry, rice, pizza, donuts and many more. Konapun also helped kids experience an almost-real-alike food making session. Imagine when you create Konapun Donuts,you'll be placing your donuts in a 'frying pan' and the bubbles come out as if you're really frying them!

Here's some preview on Konapun I embedded from youtube.Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Selamat Hari Raya *stick 'em

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri~ Maaf Zahir dan Batin

Hello Bloggers..

Bulan Ramadhan akan berakhir soon..Today's 22nd Ramadhan, didn't expect the month would end so soon...

To those who are celebrating, whether ur muslims or non-muslims, * 1 Malaysia spirit *, do celebrate the festive season in harmony.

Jangan biarkan diri anda di hospital sebab main mercun bola *bahaya tuuuuu* or kemalangan jalan raya * merempit di hari terakhir terawih sebab nak ke kedai beli santan untuk mak buat kari *

Pesanan dari
1.Kath meow- "Jangan makan banyak sangat...nanti tambah berat badan...ehehe..."
2.AfiQ ~ "Later la teacher...I cannot think right now..."
3.Izwann~"saya nak hadiah birthday saya lepas raya ni..."
4.Syahidda~" Kembali la ke sekolah dalam keadaan asal..."
5.Sherrie~"Takda la cikgu..."
6.Gedlynn~"Bawa kek raya nanti yaaaa!"
7.Felix~"Selamat Hari Raya!"
8.Kliff n Steff~ Er...blur ni..
And the others were busy posting stuffs on the wallwisher...

From me,

S E L A M A T@H A R I@R A Y A...*kes dah malas nak buat tangga la ni*

Love you guys..Happy Eidul Fitri

Merdeka! Merdeka!

Selamat menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan Yang ke-53 tahun. (*now wave your flag)
We are proud to be Malaysian. It's independence day.
We love our Malaysia. We are proud to be Malaysian.
1 Malaysia, Menjana Transformasi
1 Malaysia, Generates Transformation)

Monday, August 30, 2010

Animal Planet- The Elephant Shrew

Cute huh?

Superman vs SuperMokh!

Today, people would be proud of a character called Superman, although he's a weird superhero that wears his underwear on the outside..Wearing a cape and can fly anywhere he wants..

In this edition of blogpost, I would like to introduce to you SUPERMOKH, also known as the late MR. Mokhtar Dahari.Here's a sneak peak of this wonderful man who made his own legend in Malaysian football.

Allahyarham Dato' Mokhtar Dahari ( 13 November 1953 - 11 Julai 1991) adalah legenda pemain bola sepak kebangsaan Malaysia dari Selangor. Beliau telah diberi gelaran SuperMokh kerana kecemerlanganya menjaringkan banyak gol sepanjang kariernya. Dia mewakili Malaysia dari tahun 1972 hinggalah 1985.

Beliau berkahwin dengan Tengku Zarina Tengku Ibrahim dan dikurniakan 3 orang anak iaitu Mohamad Redza, Nur Azera dan Nur Arina.

MULA WAKILI SELANGOR: Piala Burnley 1971

PIALA MALAYSIA: Wakili Selangor 1972

MULA WAKILI NEGARA: Pestabola Merdeka 1972

KALI TERAKHIR WAKILI NEGARA: Pra-Piala Dunia menentang Korea Selatan di Seoul 1985

KAPS: 167



JARINGAN TERBAIK: Gol penyamaan menentang England B pada 1978

PENCAPAIAN: Membantu Selangor memenangi Piala Malaysia 10 kali. Menang pingat gangsa Sukan Asia 1974 di Teheran

ANUGERAH: Olahragawan Kebangsaan 1976


* MOKHTAR dihadiahkan sepasang but bola hanya berharga RM15 oleh ayahnya selepas menduduki Sijil Rendah Pelajaran (SRP) 1968 atau lebih tepat dipanggil LCE ketika itu. Dengan kasut itulah dia menempa nama sebaris dengan wira-wira negara sebelumnya seperti Datuk Ghani Minhat dan Arthur Koh.

* Dan dia amat menghargai pemberian itu sambil berkata: “Kasut but yang diberi oleh ayah saya mungkin hanya berharga RM15, tetapi ia amat bermakna dalam kerjaya bola sepak saya.”

Monday, August 23, 2010

Health is Wealth - Progeria a.k.a. Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria syndrome (HGPS)


Progeria is a disease that produces rapid aging, beginning in childhood.


Progeria is a rare condition that is remarkable because its symptoms strongly resemble normal human aging, but occur in young children.
It is caused by..
>a mutation on the gene that encodes the protein lamin A.
>usually occurs without cause.

Growth failure during the first year of life
Narrow, shrunken or wrinkled face
Loss of eyebrows and eyelashes
Short stature
Large head for size of face
Open soft spot (fontanelle)
Small jaw
Dry, scaly, thin skin
Limited Range Of motion
Teeth - delayed or absent formation

*there is no cure for this disease


Penyebab penyakit Psoriasis

Penyebab psoriasis tidak sepenuhnya difahami. Ada dua hipotesis utama tentang proses yang berlaku dalam perkembangan penyakit ini. Yang pertama menganggap psoriasis sebagai terutama gangguan pertumbuhan berlebihan dan pembiakan daripada sel-sel kulit. Masalahnya hanya dilihat sebagai kesalahan dan keratinosit epidermis nya. Hipotesis kedua melihat penyakit sebagai gangguan sistem imun yang berlebihan pembiakan sel kulit adalah faktor-faktor sekunder yang dihasilkan oleh sistem kekebalan tubuh. Sel T (yang biasanya membantu melindungi tubuh terhadap jangkitan) menjadi aktif, berhijrah ke kapilari darah dan memicu pelepasan sitokin (faktor Nekrosis tumor-alfa TNFα, khususnya) yang menyebabkan inflamasi dan penghasilan sel-sel kulit cepat. Tidak diketahui apa yang memulakan pengaktifan sel T.
Model sistem imun psoriasis telah disokong oleh pemerhatian bahawa ubat immunosuppressant boleh memadam plak psoriasis. Namun, peranan sistem kekebalan tubuh tidak sepenuhnya difahami, dan baru-baru ini telah melaporkan bahawa haiwan model psoriasis boleh dipicu pada tikus yang tidak memiliki sel T. Haiwan model, tetapi, hanya mendedahkan beberapa aspek psoriasis menyerupai manusia .
Membahayakan fungsi sawar kulit mempunyai peranan dalam kerentanan psoriasis.
Psoriasis merupakan penyakit yang cukup unik.
Majoriti dari pengalaman orang tentang psoriasis adalah salah satu yang boleh memburukkan atau membaiki tanpa alasan yang jelas

Cara mengubati penyakit Psoriasis

Madian dan pelembab, minyak mineral, dan vaseline dapat membantu menenangkan kulit yang terkena dan mengurangkan kekeringan yang menyertai membina-up kulit pada plak psoriatis. krim ubat dan salep diterapkan langsung ke plak psoriatis boleh membantu mengurangkan peradangan, menghilangkan kerak built-up, mengurangkan kulit turn over, dan kulit yang terkena jelas plak. Salep dan krim yang mengandungi tar batubara, dithranol (anthralin), kortikosteroid seperti desoximetasone (Topicort), fluosinonida, analog vitamin D3 (contohnya, calcipotriol), dan retinoid secara rutin digunakan. Minyak argan juga telah digunakan dengan beberapa keputusan menjanjikan [30] Penggunaan unit Finger tip mungkin bermanfaat dalam membimbing berapa banyak perubatan topikal untuk. Mekanisme kerja dari masing-masing mungkin berbeza tetapi mereka semua membantupengeluaran sel kulit biasa dan mengurangkan peradangan. Diaktifkan dan analog vitamin D syarikat inhibitor sangat berkesan proliferasi sel kulit.
Kelemahan dari agen topikal variable yang mereka sering dapat merengsa kulit normal, boleh memakan masa dan canggung untuk melaksanakan, tidak boleh digunakan untuk masa yang lama, boleh noda pakaian atau mempunyai bau yang kuat.
Akibatnya, kadang-kadang sukar bagi orang untuk menjaga aplikasi biasa perubatan ini. pengeluaran tiba-tiba dari beberapa agen topikal, khususnya kortikosteroid, boleh menyebabkan kekambuhan keadaan yang agresif. Ini dikenali sebagai rebound dari keadaan tersebut.
Beberapa agen topikal digunakan bersama-sama dengan terapi lain, terutama fototerapi.

HEALTH IS WEALTH-Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is malignant neoplasm of the cervix uteri or cervical area. It may present with vaginal bleeding but symptoms may be absent until the cancer is in its advanced stages. Treatment consists of surgery (including local excision) in early stages and chemotherapy and radiotherapy in advanced stages of the disease.

The early stages of cervical cancer may be completely asymptomatic. Vaginal bleeding, contact bleeding or (rarely) a vaginal mass may indicate the presence of malignancy. Also, moderate pain during sexual intercourse and vaginal discharge are symptoms of cervical cancer. In advanced disease, metastases may be present in the abdomen, lungs or elsewhere.Symptoms of advanced cervical cancer may include: loss of appetite, weight loss, fatigue, pelvic pain, back pain, leg pain, single swollen leg, heavy bleeding from the vagina, leaking of urine or feces from the vagina, and bone fractures.


Mencegah lebih baik daripada merawat. Lebih kurang macam itulah kata-kata yang selalu kita dengar.

Apa itu resdung??

(sinusitis) adalah radang pada lapisan rongga hidung yang memiliki
beberapa pasangan iaitu frontal, ethmoid, maxillary dan sphenoif.

Apa dia punca resdung ni??

Alahan. Iaitu terhadap jenis makanan tertentu, habuk, parasit (demodex) dan kutu.

anda mengalami alahan, daging yang bertindak sebagai penapis udara di
dalam hidung akan membengkak. Seterusnya, ia menyebabkan pergerakan
udara tak dapat dikeluarkan.

Kalau udara tu tak dapat keluar, ia
pastinya akan terkumpul kat dalam tu. Kesannya, kulat akan tumbuh dan
kawasan dalam hidung menjadi semakin membengkak. Anda yang pernah
mengalaminya pasti tahu tahap kesakitannya. Huhuhu...

parah lagi, resdung ni boleh merebak ke bahagian mata. Akibatnya, anda
boleh hilang deria penglihatan dan ia juga boleh menjangkiti otak.

Tapi, resdung ni tak berjangkit kat orang lain atau diwarisi oleh keturunannya.

petua mencegah resdung;

1. Elakkan daripada memelihara binatang berbulu kat dalam rumah seperti kucing dan arnab.

2. Jangan menggunakan sarung bantal, cadar dan selimut yang diperbuat daripada bulu binatang.

Untuk hasil yang lebih baik, cuci 3 benda tadi dengan air panas. Tujuannya untuk membunuh serangga dan pepijat.

Ringankan tangan anda untuk membersihkan karpet/permaidani. Kalau
perlu, gunakan penyedut hampagas (vacuum cleaner) yang berkualiti

4. Kalau anda nak mengemas rumah, pakailah penutup hidung. Bukan pakai ketika musim jerebu jer.

5. Minum air suam/mineral dengan kadar yang banyak. Bagus juga kalau anda amalkan minum sup panas.

6. Selalulah lap muka anda dengan menggunakan tuala yang dibasahkan dengan air suam.

Lebih baik kalau anda sampai jer ke rumah, terus basuh muka. Maklumlah, kat luar tu kan banyak habuk dll.

7. Kalau anda ada alahan terhadap jenis makanan tertentu (contohnya makanan laut), janganlah makan makanan tu.

sekarang anda dah tahu apa itu resdung dan puncanya, kan? Kalau anda
ada ahli keluarga anda atau kenalan yang mengalami masalah resdung ni,
bolehlah anda share dengan diorang petua ni.

Tag ID=SFC 02544

"Vipstyle is all about stance and fitment, everything else (including body kits) are just accessories."
Taketomi, from Junction Produce.

health is wealth - ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

ADHD is a problem with inattentiveness, over-activity, impulsivity, or a combination. For these problems to be diagnosed as ADHD, they must be out of the normal range for the child's age and development.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV) divides the symptoms of ADHD into those of inattentiveness and those of hyperactivity and impulsivity.

To be diagnosed with ADHD, children should have at least 6 attention symptoms or 6 activity and impulsivity symptoms -- to a degree beyond what would be expected for children their age.

The symptoms must be present for at least 6 months, observable in 2 or more settings, and not caused by another problem. The symptoms must be severe enough to cause significant difficulties. Some symptoms must be present before age 7.

Inattention symptoms:

1.Fails to give close attention to details or makes careless mistakes in schoolwork
2.Difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or play
3.Does not seem to listen when spoken to directly
4.Does not follow through on instructions and fails to finish schoolwork, chores, or duties in the workplace
5.Difficulty organizing tasks and activities
6.Avoids or dislikes tasks that require sustained mental effort (such as schoolwork)
7.Often loses toys, assignments, pencils, books, or tools needed for tasks or activities
8.Easily distracted
9.Often forgetful in daily activities

Hyperactivity symptoms:

1.Fidgets with hands or feet or squirms in seat
2.Leaves seat when remaining seated is expected
3.Runs about or climbs in inappropriate situations
4.Difficulty playing quietly
5.Often "on the go," acts as if "driven by a motor," talks excessively

Impulsivity symptoms:

1.Blurts out answers before questions have been completed
2.Difficulty awaiting turn
3.Interrupts or intrudes on others (butts into conversations or games)

Older children have ADHD in partial remission when they still have symptoms but no longer meet the full definition of the disorder.

Some children with ADHD primarily have the Inattentive Type, some the Hyperactive-Impulsive Type, and some the Combined Type. Those with the Inattentive type are less disruptive and are easier to miss being diagnosed with ADHD.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Hi and welcome back to the blog...
Here's some updates:

We were unable to update anything for these few weeks as we're busy with Prog.3 exams.

Recently we had a blast in Majlis Pelancaran Bulan Merdeka, a yearly programme held by our school. Soon, August will end. We'll be waving our Jalur Gemilang in collaboration with Merdeka month.

We'll update as soon as possible regarding this month's Merdeka Specials and Health is Wealth!

Have a nice day ahead!

Monday, August 16, 2010

What do you want for your birthday or hari raya?

Friday, July 23, 2010

Stick your opinions. I really meant stick

Cool new features in Hello-Yakin10

Time passes by fast. We've added some new features in Hello-Yakin's page. Some of the new feaures are the educational blogs, fully owned by hello-yakin, it can be found at the sidebar (we're not copying microsoft) >>>>>>>>>>. With the arrows pointed, you'll never lose your way. And the wallwisher (thanks to you can post your opinions by clicking on the post where wallwisher should be present.


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Mind Your Language

Let's learn to speak simple sentences in different languages all over the world..

Nama saya Izwan dan saya berasal dari Malaysia

Afrikaans-Izwan my naam en ek kom uit Maleisië
Basque-Izwan nire izena eta Malasia come from I
Catalan-Izwan el meu nom i jo vinc de Malàisia
Dutch-Izwan mijn naam en ik kom uit Maleisië
English-Izwan is my name and I come from Malaysia
Filipino-Izwan ang aking pangalan at dumating ako mula sa Malaysia
German-Izwan mein Name und ich komme aus Malaysia
Hungarian-Izwan a nevem, és jöttem Malajziában
Italia-Izwan il mio nome e io vengo dalla Malesia
Japanese-Izwan watashi no namae to watashi wa marēshia kara kite
Latvian-Izwan mans vārds un es nāk no Malaizijas
Macedonian-Izwan moeto ime i doaǵam od MaleziJa
Norwegian-Izwan mitt navn og jeg kommer fra Malaysia
Portuguese-Izwan meu nome e eu venho da Malásia
Russian-Izwan moe imya, i ya rodom iz Malaĭzii
Spanish-Izwan mi nombre y yo vengo de Malasia
Thai-Izwan chụ̄̀x k̄hxng c̄hạn læa c̄hạn mā cāk māleseīy
Ukrainian-Izwan moye im'ya, i ya rodom z Malay̆ziï
Vietnamese-Izwan tên của tôi và tôi đến từ Malaysia
Welsh-Izwan fy enw ac yn dod o Malaysia


Koller Museum

Windmill in Kinderdijk

Netherlands - 2nd place in Fifa World Cup 2010
and interesting places in Netherlands...

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

paul..paul :D

south africa is the host of FIFA world cup 2010. it was held from the 11th June - 11th July 2010.
This time round, Spain won the competition. so, congratulations to them.

Heads Up. Alert.

We have updated our page list. In the school stuffs list, there are subjects that we normally learn in school. The subjects include English, Bahasa Malaysia, Science, Mathematics, Moral, Agama, KHB, Geo, and Sejarah. We will update informations about those subjects in the subject's respective pages.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A Wonderful News :)

Yay! the Robinson Crusoe Survival Challenge was awesome. Anyway, Diyana's group terima denda yang super amazing. Clean up the blok, for JUST ONE WEEK. BEST NAK??
ay, congrats kepada group yg x kena denda. Well, ready ah wahai Syahida, sorfina (Izwan??) oh and diyana. Blok ya mok dibersih kacak2, asak juak kacak tapi gik bedebu; iboh gia.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Mdm Enny's Robinson Crusoe Survival Challenge

This time round, we will be doing a new challenge. The challenge is COOKING. Well, the COMPULSORY items are EGGS and VEGETABLES. We are allowed to bring a pot. I really mean A POT. A POT MEANS ONE POT. And then, Mdm Enny say we use MANCIS KINGKONG to light up the firewood(s). Well, good luck on this second challenge. The first challenge (dont tell me that you've forgotten) was to build a tent. I AM VERY SURE that ROBINSON CRUSOE didnt have any tent by then.

P/S: (im not going to say i love you) GOOD LUCK

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Happy Birthday Linda

Linda my baby, YEAHH!

On Thursday maybe we go to Blue Lab

for science, maybe-lah; ms.Chong said MAYBE

Friday, June 25, 2010

Pesta tanjong


No. Were not gonna do a report about some pesta tanjong thingy. F2 was supposed to do cleaning after the feast. But anyways, happy weekends.

Monday, June 21, 2010

P.E.K.A Sains

Esok, pergi science lab untuk buat peka sains. (SALAM CAKAP)
P/S: CLICK PICTURE TO ENLARGE. Btw, tak sempat crop pic.

Monday, June 14, 2010

A little advice from Izwan


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

a sad, touching story

My mom only had one eye. I hated her... She was such an embarrassment. She cooked for students and teachers to support the family.

There was this one day during elementary school where my mom came to say hello to me. I was so embarrassed.

How could she do this to me? I ignored her, threw her a hateful look and ran out. The next day at school one of my classmates said, "EEEE, your mom only has one eye!"

I wanted to bury myself. I also wanted my mom to just disappear. I confronted her that day and said, " If you're only gonna make me a laughing stock, why don't you just die?"

My mom did not respond... I didn't even stop to think for a second about what I had said, because I was full of anger. I was oblivious to her feelings.

I wanted out of that house, and have nothing to do with her. So I studied real hard, got a chance to go abroad to study..

Then, I got married. I bought a house of my own. I had kids of my own. I was happy with my life, my kids and the comforts. Then one day, my Mother came to visit me. She hadn't seen me in years and she didn't even meet her grandchildren.

When she stood by the door, my children laughed at her, and I yelled at her for coming over uninvited. I screamed at her, "How dare you come to my house and scare my children!" GET OUT OF HERE! NOW!!!"

And to this, my mother quietly answered, "Oh, I'm so sorry. I may have gotten the wrong address," and she disappeared out of sight.

One day, a letter regarding a school reunion came to my house. So I lied to my wife that I was going on a business trip. After the reunion, I went to the old shack just out of curiosity.

My neighbors said that she died. I did not shed a single tear. They handed me a letter that she had wanted me to have.

"My dearest son,

I think of you all the time. I'm sorry that I came to your house and scared your children.

I was so glad when I heard you were coming for the reunion. But I may not be able to even get out of bed to see you. I'm sorry that I was a constant embarrassment to you when you were growing up.

You see........when you were very little, you got into an accident, and lost your eye. As a mother, I couldn't stand watching you having to grow up with one eye. So I gave you mine.

I was so proud of my son who was seeing a whole new world for me, in my place, with that eye.

With all my love to you,

Your mother.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


ohoho, val lah org paling suk

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Looks like it has been quite a time since we last updated our blog. Anyway, timetable change again. But not the timetable, the teacher. Mr Bujang will be teaching us english for this two weeks. Next week will be our semester exam (not mistaken, on Friday). So, watcha gonna do? It all depends. REMEMBER GUYS, AFTER THOSE UGLY,STRESS,CRAZYFULL EXAMS, WE ARE GONNA HAVE OUR HOLIDAYS. THINK ABOUT IT. EXAM ONE WEEK, HOLIDAYS, THREE BEAUTIFUL, COLOURFULL, SMILEFULL WEEKS. YOU LOSE EXAM!!!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Just now, during ICTL subj, combine with KHB. MEMASAK BAHHHHHH... We will upload pictures when we have the opportunity..

Friday, April 30, 2010

Permata Pintar Test

Pesanan dri cikgu faizal,
Perhatian kepada 2 Yakin 2010.

Sila ambil ujian permata pintar ini sebelum 31 Mei 2010. Ujian ini adalah WAJIB untuk mereka yang berumur 8 - 15 tahun.

Sila layari laman web ini untuk keterangan lanjut :

Sila layari laman web ini untuk memulakan ujian :

Plz inform the rest!


New Timetable

We will post in our blog as soon as possible :)

Our temporary class teacher

Since Mdm Enny is on her maternity leave, Mr Lee will fill in Mdm Enny's duty for 2 Yakin's class. He will temporarily be 2 Yakin's class teacher. Mdm Ikbal will teach us english. At the same time, Cikgu shahir or is it syahir ( i dont know the spelling) will teach us ICTL subject.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


oit ... bwa surat khabar utk EARTH DAY esok ...
arahan kathleen ... :) harap maklum .. eheh ...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

1.What is aerodynamic?

2.How to reduce friction to increase the efficiency in transportation (design of vehicle)? Give examples.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

List of PBL's


Tomorrow, group 1,2 and 3 are going to present their science slideshow or maybe brochure. Sivik, next week. Thats all i guess

Saturday, April 10, 2010

There's One THING that we forgot..

It has been (3 weeks kah??) that izwan, a.k.a zach moved back to yakin. Well we forgot to welcome him. So, welcome new kid. His pic here is quite wierd. He's behind the wooden block. Dont mistake him with phyllis

Thursday, April 8, 2010


TOMORROW IS THE LAST DAY OF EXAM!!! Come on!!! Stop frowning. All we GOTTA do is READ SEJARAH chap 2(two) and 3(three). Sivik?? Baca lah. Mcm susah mok bca kan? This saturday, sekolah. Jadual hari Friday (uhhhh!! nasib!!!). Public speaking squad, pergi Brunei. We wonder.... If there is any teacher who is gonna teach us this sat, involved. Well, thats all!!! The day awaits you!! :) 

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

STRESS LALU MUKA! kedak muka' bolus.'

nanglah stress muka, ujian pa today? oh yes Khb pi &pm. tapi ada orang ya ilek jak muka buat exam cam x da apa-apa yg akan terjadi. paling menyakitkan pi rasanya because ada yg muslim students belum study, especially bab Uthman Affan. anyway, time ujian pm tadi pa yg menyakitkan alimentary canal mu? time khb, SEMUA 'SENANG'. SEMUA 'SENANGGGG' , well tata, esok sej, &sivv i guess

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


we were like ''RAH AH AH AH AH'' during Science exam just now, admit it, very-very susah kan? bak kata orang tua, susah kalau kita tak belajar. WELL I TAK SETUJU >:D kita belajar kan? kepala hotak (word ckgu saiful) kita susah nak paham :0 bah esok exam math paper one, pj &geo i guess? so belajarlah dengan tekun (apakah? tekun. yakinlah) ingat okay, Usaha itu tangga kejayaan. ish, ish ish.
anyway, don't be sad (or going GAGA) over science just now,

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


DID YOU SEE OUR FACE JUST NOW?! IT'S A BIG LOL. Well, MSSM today okay-okay jak except for the fact kita kena JALAN BERIBU-RIBU KM. wee best berjalan kan?especially for those yg bahagian statistic. anyway, all the best for sesiapa yng participate :) YEAH!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Best Monday Ever! agree?

I agree! today is the best Monday EVER! Why? because we're not going to school today. Anyway, good luck for Progressive II. Shamrocks for my real friends, Real rocks for my sham friends. so 5th of april, there will be exam Bi and Bm kalau x salah lah. well, good luck, good luck and good luck. Sapa yang kerja kat padah jangan nak mengehgeh x datang, Datang jak! apply SPF 50 terus. :D kacaaa, (WTH!?)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Scienceeee PBL

Things to bring on Saturday for SCIENCE PBL
~Rice Grains

if there is something missing, tell Felix..

Monday, March 22, 2010

look how cool is this! and oh how scary.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


x lma gk mok exam.... maths aku dh la trok.. sapa2 mok tlong ajar aku... pleaz la ajar.... T.T

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Happy Holiday :0

Yeah, i know holiday again bah. Holiday is a nice word but one sad thing about holiday is kerja rumah. You like kerja rumah ka? I don't bah. haha Well walaupun you don't like homeworks, you gotta do them :D so rajin-rajinlah do your kerja rumah. easy bah kerja ya *eksen*. so good luck menyiapkan all your kerja rumah :D :D FYEAHHH :) AND OH happy holiday :)
i love you,

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


bah, tadik saya tolong nyanyi, you x mok.
ya lah saya tolong mengheboh di BELOG (:
PLEASE.PLEASE.PLEASE don't stab me with gunting yng karat, 8)


Tomorrow ICTL at the Access Center a.k.a "Pusat Access" or whatever you guys call it... Then, decorate class during Pendidikan Seni class. We wonder why the polystyrene board is broken plus a little bit of cut?? Weird. The chairs in our class is always lost. And, WE HATE IT!!!! Anyone who is stealing chairs from other classes, stop doing it. Cause maybe one day, we might do that too!!! By the way, welcome once again to KTDTHB and 2 Yakin..

With punches and pinches,
someone from 2y.. :)

Monday, March 8, 2010


HELLO. budak baru itu sudah tiba.
nama dia is luqman Hakim. CORRECT KA?
well welcome to 2 yakin (: (:
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